Connect to EC2 using AWS SDK (i.e. from Java code):

1. Go to

create User

Manage Access Keys (if needed, create an access key), download access key (csv), paste it in the Java Code (VMProvisioner).

In VMProvisioner: Update key name (keyfilename, not keyfilename.pem), update region etc.

2. In IAM console, create group, choose EC2FullAccess policy

3. Add user to this group (I struggled for a long time facing an error message "AWS unauthorized operation", before figured that this was the problem)

1. Just Amazon Linux AMI with the user "view"


chmod 400 abc.pem (I think the order is like this )

Enable access to a VM without a key:

ssh into the VM:

ssh -i $USER-key.pem ubuntu@

enable password-based authentication:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config setting

PasswordAuthentication yes

sudo service ssh restart

add another user:

sudo useradd test

add user to sudoers' list:

sudo adduser test sudo

create directory for this user:

sudo mkdir /home/test sudo chown test:test /home/test