Servelt WebApp
To build a sample servlet web app:
mvn archetype:generate
select all, copy paste into a text editor, find "J2EE 1.4 web application archetype", note the number, type it in terminal in the interactive mode
specified groupId: edu.emich
specified artifact name: vq
fill out the rest of their questions
cd vq
mvn compile
mvn package
rename .war file in the target directory into something shorter
copy war into tomcat/webapps.
In the browser, open tomcat:8080/filename.war (replace filename with the actual filename of your war file)
Copy the whole folder into Eclipse, import from archive or folder
right-click on project->properties, search for "compliance" and change JRE to JavaSE-1.8
it will show an error message in Problems view, saying different version of JDK (or java) and suggest quick fixes. Right click on the problem -> Quick fix, choose the one that says some thing along the lines of "increase version to 1.8"
Right-click on the project -> New -> other, type Servlet. Just give it a name (e.g., TestServlet), do not change any mappings. It automatically adds mappings to web.xml.
add this to index.jsp:
<form action="EchoServlet" method="get">
Enter your name: <input type="text" name="yourName" size="20">
<input type="submit" value="Call EchoServlet" />
add this inside the doGet method of
+ " this TestServlet servlet was changed by Andrii! Served at: ")
rebuild, redeploy.