MySQL Commands
Once MySQL is installed, login mysql by opening terminal (command prompt), and typing:
mysql -u root -p
To view all existing databases:
show databases;
To look inside a database:
use databaseName;
show tables;
To view table's contents:
SELECT * FROM tableName;
To create database and grant permissions:
create database csc7710;
grant all on csc7710.* To 7710user@localhost identified by '123456';
Create table:
CREATE TABLE shop (article INT(4), dealer CHAR(20), price DOUBLE(16,2));
INSERT INTO shop VALUES (1,'A',3.45), (2,'B',4.0);
View table's schema:
desc myTableName
show create table myTableName
To see all indexes of the table:
SHOW INDEX FROM mytable FROM mydb;
To explain the query:
explain myquery
, where instead of my query you put the query, e.g. SELECT * FROM Triple;
Insert XML into a table:
INSERT INTO trees VALUES ('name3', '<c>23</c>');
Installed phpmyadmin, and got 404 Error in browser. Solution:
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www
Copy table (schema+all records):
CREATE TABLE student2 SELECT * FROM student
To DELETE from table:
DELETE FROM dplSpecs WHERE name <> 'one' AND name <> 'two' AND name <> 'three' AND name <> 'five' AND name <> 'seven'
To DELETE all rows from table:
To insert all rows from database enginerepo1d0Dmsg1, table specs into current database, table specs (assuming they have the same schema):
INSERT IGNORE INTO specs SELECT * FROM enginerepo1d0Dmsg1.specs;
To insert rows from one table to another with overwriting duplicates (e.g. if both tables have primary keys):
replace into foo select * from foo2;
To completely remove mysql (including the info about users and their passwords) in Ubuntu OS:
sudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-server mysql-common mysql-client
To change root password:
mysqladmin -u root -p'oldPassword' password newPassword
To dump mysql database (from regular command line, not from mysql command client):
mysqldump -u root -p databaseName > someName.sql
To retrieve mysql database from that file (if the file does not contain "create database" statement):
mysql -u root -p dbName < someName.sql
To run a .sql script that contains a "create database" statement:
mysql -u root -p < someName.sql
To dump a particular record(s) from a table into a file:
mysqldump --user=andrey --password=1234 --no-create-info enginerepo1d0 specs --where="name='analyzeText10_3compsF'" > workflow.sql
To add a column to an existing table:
alter table tblName add colName tinyint(1) default 0;